A never ending opportunity to learn something about Freemasonry

In Memoriam

One of the goals of Freemasonry is to help our members learn more. Not necessarily about Masonry, but about the world as a whole. We should be holding education sessions within all of our meetings about topics that interest our members. Just recently, as the Lodge Education Officer, I have been asked by a few… Continue reading A never ending opportunity to learn something about Freemasonry

Categorized as wisdom

A vote for selling the building but staying active in the community

It has been many years in discussion. The fact of the matter is we have let our building fall into a state of disrepair that we can no longer keep up with the maintenance costs. Our membership is small and the amount of available funds to raise will be difficult. But as a fraternity with… Continue reading A vote for selling the building but staying active in the community

The Level of Time

I find it interesting, the number of times found in the Masonic teachings that deal with the aspects of death. All of which, without revelation are meaningless. We teach ourselves that death is a part of life, that should be holden with reverence. For, ere too long we will be called to the Celestial Lodge… Continue reading The Level of Time