Please share any educational resources that you may have found in the comments below. One of the most important aspects of Freemasonry is education, and we need to be sharing what we know with our brethren. There are many resources out there on the Internet, but not all have any validity or truth as it relates to Freemasonry as recognized by the majority of Grand Lodges. So hopefully I can correlate a list of known helpful resources to share.
Freemason Information – This site appears to have been around for some time, at least from 2010. There are a large number of articles available. I found this site when researching about millennials and their interest of Freemasonry and what they are looking for. There is a blog section, but I felt this site had more educational materials then just posting of someones thoughts.
The Philalethes Society – One of the oldest Masonic educational research organizations. Their website does not have much as to free information, but you can look at the available journals that you can obtain for a yearly membership fee. The most recent free article was dated March 2014, but the latest journals are fairly recent.
Masons Lead Better – This is a website and blog by a Past Master of New England Lodge #4 in Worthington Ohio. In 2014, the Grand Lodge of Ohio’s theme was one of education. WB. Clevenger was tagged due to his coaching experience to help motivate and bring more education to Ohio Lodges with the help of many other brethren. Check out his site to see what is new.
Freemason University – In in 2014, as part of the Leadership training effort the Grand Lodge of Ohio started Freemason University. There are many tools to help new and long term masons continue to learn.
The Masonic Trowel – A site that appears to have been active up to 2014 and likely started around May 2002. I have found many times that this site can be a good read. Articles from this site have provided some insight to articles that I have written or Education Programs that I have shared within Lodge.